Caitlyn Callery Romance
Wishing each and every one of you a very wonderful Christmas, and may 2025 be your best year yet.
Caitlyn Callery writes:
Regency Romantic Thrillers
Romance in the Roaring Twenties
Contemporary Romance
and song lyrics
Member of the Romantic Novelists' Association.
"Viscount in Hiding" WON
the Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild
Heart Award for a sensual novel 2024
and was shortlisted for
the Jackie Collins Romantic Thriller of the Year Award 2024.
​Seek Her Like Gold was released in
October 2024
A Deal With Her Father will be released on
26th March 2025
​You can find her song lyrics here.
She was born in Coventry, England and grew up in Leicestershire, but has lived all her adult life in Sussex, on the Regency Route, which stretches from Brighton to Tunbridge Wells.
She loves history and, when she isn't writing, she likes nothing better than visiting historic houses, gardens and other sites all over the UK.
You can read about her forays into history in her blog
She is currently working on a new Rotherton Regency,
"The Battle of St Bartholomew's"
as well as a second book set in the Roaring Twenties, with the working title,
"Lightning Strikes Again."